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Reservation / Contact:

Katzenpension Katzenhotel Tierpension Katzen Urlaub Cat Holiday Hotel Katzenbetreuung Haustierhotel Katzenunterkunft Tierbetreuung Katzenpflege Haustierpension Katzenhaus Tierhotel Haustierbetreuung Katzenurlaub Tierunterkunft Ferien Katzenferien Tierresort Katzenresort Haustierferien Haustierunterkunft Tierurlaub Haustierresort Mainz Wiesbaden Frankfurt Darmstadt Ingelheim Rüsselsheim Ober-Olm Nieder-Olm Rhein-Main Alzey Oppenheim Nierstein Bingen Eltville Taunusstein Niedernhausen Budenheim


Please call us to book a place for your cat in our boarding house.


 You can also send us your inquiry by e-mail with your vacation dates and a callback number. We will be happy to call you back to make an appointment.

Drop-off and Pick-up Times:

As we like to take time for you and your cat, we arrange individual drop-off and pick-up appointments for our feline guests within the following time window:

Mondays to Fridays: 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Saturdays: 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Closed on Sunday


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